Tag: Netherlands
‘Almost a thousand unnecessary deaths due to too long waiting times at emergency care’
According to the NSVHA, an important cause of this is staff shortages in care, NOS writes. Not only at the A&E itself, but also at the general practitioner, in community…
Farmer’s protest with tractors: crowds in the Utrecht region are over, still advice to avoid A1
Eemlandse and Gooise farmers gathered this morning on the driveway of the A1 at Eembrugge and the A1 between Baarn and Hoogland. They drove to the demonstration under police escort.…
OM demands community service for man who drove into traffic jam A2 with a recovery vehicle
He couldn’t remember why he was speeding. He changed lanes a lot at a higher speed than allowed. His car ambulance was heavy, but not a very large truck. He…
Have fun at Dikke Bandenrace in Leersum in the run-up to the start of Vuelta
And it was sometimes a lot of toil. Because while in a month and a half the cyclists will be traveling through the province on nice and light racing bicycles,…
merging IJsselstein? Certainly not, you can read in the new coalition agreement
IJsselstein also wants to support all residents as best as possible, whoever they are and whatever age they are. They keep an extra eye on young carers, for example. And…
Heat measures at GGD injection stations: ‘Make an appointment for your booster in advance’
“People who come for a repeat injection often have a fragile health,” says environmental and health advisor Fedor Gassner of the GGD region of Utrecht, “for example because they are…
Municipalities cannot provide emergency shelter for asylum seekers alone: ’It beeps and creaks, so we need help’
In addition, he hopes that Utrecht residents will help to manage the reception in the right direction. “We have several emergency reception locations, so that requires staff deployment in the…
Reinforcement of ‘important’ Lekdijk starts: ‘Protects about half the Randstad’
The floodplains of the Salmsteke recreation area in Lopik will be overhauled from today. The work is the starting signal for the long-term ‘Sterke Lekdijk’ project, which will take at…
College of Human Rights: ‘Protect scientists better’
Geel states that freedom of expression in the Netherlands is ‘undeniably’ under pressure. According to her, the polarization that has arisen as a result of the corona measures is an…
The province is critical of the nitrogen plans and mainly lacks support
There are also criticisms from other groups. The CDA co-governs in the province, but party chairman Chris Westerlaken does not just plan to impose the nitrogen reduction targets on farmers…