Tag: NB stimulus Me
Maarten van Rossem says goodbye to De Slimste Mens: ‘You are the 1229th who asks’
“You are the 1229th who asks it, but I have not been informed about that. To my knowledge there is no new candidate yet. The producer can delve with searching…
Peter is on the street after 37 years of making waste bins: ‘I think it is bastard’
Reaction vcconsyst “Vconsyst is part of a larger whole,” says independent crisis communication expert Koen van Tankeren on behalf of VCONSYST. “A family business. That means that they have tried…
Rats, stench, and crime in the center of Overvecht, but local residents like to get there
The parking space around the shopping center is busy all day. “Well, it could be a bit nicer,” says Den Boer pointing to some separate crates, shelves and waste containers…
Boils and cellulite by polluted weed? ‘Dangerous to buy blueberries’
They are not really worried yet, says Rinnie. “But yes, I am just a seller and don’t do purchasing.” When the customer is gone again, he goesogh to the bacterium…