Temporarily no trains between Overvecht and Amersfoort due to track works
Province of Utrecht – As of tomorrow, no trains will run between Utrecht Overvecht and Amersfoort for days. ProRail is carrying out work at the stations and the track in…
Soviet Field of Honor in Leusden has lost dozens of donors since the war in Ukraine
Mother Nathalie and her fifteen-year-old son Charly Vink find it difficult to understand why people stop adopting a grave, they say to News Square33. Four years ago they adopted two…
Fewer drownings, ‘but still more swimming skills needed’
In the past ten years, an average of 86 inhabitants died in the Netherlands every year due to unintentional drowning. Almost half of them (45 percent) are 60 years or…
Divers reinforce walls along Utrecht canals
The vault walls along the canals are inspected monthly. “These measurements show that there is no movement in the walls,” the municipality said. In places where the municipality knows that…
Furious holidaymakers denounce the high tax on the Doorn campsite: ‘We are your cash cow’
In 2014, the commuter tax was still 130 euros, the following year it rose to 210 euros. “Since then there have only been more outrageous raises on your guests’ backs,”…
Self-occupancy obligation in the municipality of Houten: new houses for its own residents
The self-occupancy obligation that the municipality of Houten is implementing is not new. Several municipalities in the province of Utrecht have a similar policy and try to stand up for…
Province of Utrecht not popular with domestic holidaymakers: ‘Unknown makes unloved’
A lot of things are going well, as can be concluded from the research by Hendrik Beerda Brand Consultancy developed by Utrecht University, among others. For example, Utrecht has risen…
Pressure on informal carers in the summer period, extra help needed in care institutions
This development creates extra pressure, more anxiety and less holiday for the informal carer, according to the National Informal Care Panel of MantelzorgNL. “Care institutions and nursing homes where the…
Braderie Kanaleneiland is canceled after a fuss: ‘We don’t want to work like that’
“We organize this for the local residents, not for ourselves,” says organizer Yvonne Bos of Marbo Promotions. “We are the only ones who organize something there in the neighborhood.” According…
Extinction Rebellion climate activists protest at ING
The action is part of the ‘Hot ING Summer Tour’ in which the activists campaign against ING every week throughout the country. The ING office on Lange Viestraat has become…