Lekdijk breakthrough from 400 years ago should be an example: ‘Small chance, but big consequences’
Reason for the water board to focus extra on “water awareness” this year. Wegerif: “The hard truth is that if that dike were to break now, we would have a…
Utrecht homeless people followed for 5 years by researcher: ‘There are cases when things turned out well’
Boesveldt mapped out Garry’s last weeks. “The cause of death was given as a stomach haemorrhage, which was not consistent with his clinical picture, our doctor said. It turned out…
Goal Van der Hoorn proves the usefulness of goal line cameras
The Goal Line Replay is being used for the first time in the Premier League this season and has been used a total of 169 times to check referee decisions.…
Anyone who does not have priority in the housing market actually has no chance, says this professor
Province of Utrecht – The waiting time for a social rental home in Utrecht is on average eleven years. Waiting times are also increasing outside the city; in Bunschoten and…
Luc’s Garden Safari: save a bird’s life, take the net off your fat bun
Luc: “I actually experienced that once. At one point a neighbor came to me in our street. He said, Luc, can you come and help, because there is a great…
Yet another setback for new construction, drinking water shortage also looms: ‘It’s going to be very exciting’
In the Netherlands, many authorities have something to say about water: The government provides general regulations regarding drinking water. Such as the drinking water law and decree. These concern the…
Producer bankrupt, what should happen next with the solar panel cycle path in Maartensdijk?
Ex-director Arian de Bondt is disappointed that SolaRoad had to pull the plug on the project as of January 1, 2024. “We discovered that there is no money to be…
Zeister ‘ghost restaurant’ seems to be making way for social housing: ‘I think the environment will be happy with this’
Drent suspects that the municipality, Figi theater and local residents are happy that steps are being taken. Teus Langerak is chairman of the Owners’ Association of the building next to…
Utrecht has many poverty regulations, but not everyone knows where to find them: ‘Difficult when you live so isolated’
In Utrecht, residents can use special assistance, an individual income supplement or the U-pass. One of them is Saskia Brandewijn. “I have been on social assistance for about 6.5 years…
Four companies destroyed by Driebergen fire: ‘We received an app at half past five that something was wrong’
No damage is not the reality for the business premises where the fire raged. The laundry, where the fire started, and the hardware store, where the fire spread, were both…