Tag: nature
Widely used for certificates and the health pass, the TousAntiCovid application also collects information of a private nature. To avoid any exploitation of sensitive data, disable this automatic collection.
Widely used for certificates and the health pass, the TousAntiCovid application also collects information of a private nature. To avoid any exploitation of sensitive data, disable this automatic collection. Summary…
When the ocean advances… – It’s in your nature
The Moëze-Oléron Nature Reserve, on the Atlantic coast, is one of the main sites for migrating birds in France. But since the storm Xynthia, in 2010, we understood that the…
Human activity has “broken” one of the fundamental laws of nature
The distribution of biomass in the oceans, which has always followed an unchanging rule, is now broken at the high end of the spectrum. The proof that humans are not…