Tag: Muslim
India: radical Hindu groups manifest to dismantle the tomb of the Muslim emperor Aurangzeb
The situation is explosive in the city of Nagpur. Radical Hindu groups attacked the tomb of the emperor Moghol Aurangzeb, who reigned in the 18th century. The rumor of copies…
Muslim countries gathered in Saudi Arabia – L’Express
Muslim countries meet on Friday March 7 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to discuss the Arab plan for the reconstruction of Gaza, proposed by Egypt and adopted in response to the…
In Bangladesh, Bishwa Ijtema brings together tens of thousands of Muslim pilgrims
Tens of thousands of faithful meet this weekend in Bangladesh for Bishwa Ijtema, the second largest Muslim gathering in the world. Each year, hundreds of thousands of them go to…
Muslim youth group delivers 1,600 kg in donations to London Food Bank
Members of the local Muslim community delivered nearly 1,600 kilograms of food to the London Food Bank on Saturday, the culmination of more than a month of work by the…
Muslim youth group provides food to homeless
A group of young people helped spread some holiday cheer in downtown Brantford over the noon hour Wednesday. Article content Members of the Brantford Muslim Youth Group distributed pizza and…
near Lyon, the Al-Kindi Muslim high school in the State’s sights – L’Express
On his YouTube channel followed by 24,000 people, Shakeel Siddiq is clever. Catchy video titles – “Will Abbé Pierre go to heaven?” –, themes modeled on the tastes of the…
Muslim schools that have been forced to close in Sweden – here is the list
expand-left full screen In just a few years, almost all Muslim schools in Sweden have been closed down. Several school owners have been convicted of financial fraud – and their…
Halal food bank opens to serve Muslim Londoners in need
Breadcrumb Trail Links News Local News Published Nov 25, 2024 • Last updated 4 days ago • 3 minute read Amna Saleem, the president and founder of the Halal Food…
In Pakistan, a ceasefire between warring Muslim groups | News in brief
In Pakistan, the authorities have been able to negotiate a week-long ceasefire between the Sunni and Shiite Muslims fighting each other. The minister representing the administration Muhammad Ali Saif told…
Religious leaders call for dialogue: ‘Muslim hatred does not help against anti-Semitism’
“Our shared values of solidarity, justice and peace are our guiding light,” write the presidents of six religious communities. With this they hope for more “respect, connection and dialogue with…