Tag: MRI
Unique MRI hoisted into the operating room of Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital Utrecht: ‘Fantastic day’
Utrecht – Under the great interest of doctors and employees, an important MRI scan was broken into the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital in Utrecht today. The magnet, weighing 6300 kilos, was…
Early Alzheimer’s: a simple MRI allows a diagnosis in 12 hours
News Posted 14 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. in collaboration with Dr Christophe de Jaeger (Longevity and geriatrics) English researchers have developed an algorithm capable of early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s…
Stroke: portable MRIs almost as effective as standard MRIs
News Posted 17 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. in collaboration with Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo) According to a study conducted by Yale and Harvard researchers, portable MRI…
Autism detectable at the fetal stage thanks to MRIs
News Posted on 07/04/2022 at 07:43, Reading 3 mins. For all diseases, the earlier the diagnosis, the more the management, whether medical or multidisciplinary, is optimized. This is also the…
Brain week: towards faster diagnosis of psychiatric diseases thanks to MRI
France has the most powerful MRI in the world. Teams use it to better understand how our brain works, whether healthy or sick. This machine could eventually make it possible…
Biomedical imaging: the human body seen from the inside
We all know we have one brain, a heart and many other organs… but we’ve never really seen them in action! However, it is possible if one immerses oneself in…
The damage of Covid-19 on the human brain in pictures
Covid-19 attacks the respiratory tract but also the brain. During its annual meeting, the Radiological Society of North America presented the results of its study on the incidence of brain…
The history of medicine in 23 pictures
The techniques of medicine have evolved from Antiquity to the present day, and many precursors have contributed to it. Futura offers you a visual review of the great discoveries and…