Tag: Moose
Fatal moose crash outside Älvsbyn
Published: Just now full screen The woman was alone in the car at the time of the accident. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT A young woman died in a moose…
Leif saves new moose calf – has moved into the villa
– He’s cool, he’s amazing! Look, he’s lying there! says Leif Lindh and turns the camera towards Xray. Martin: How does it work to have a moose as a resident?–…
Moose calves were born on the wrong side of the game fence at E4 in Timrå – wanted hunter on the way
It was at 05:30 that the elk calves came into the world, according to information to Swedish Radio’s traffic editors. The moose together with their mother walk near the road…
Moose cow went to attack – woman to hospital
Police received an alarm about the incident at 16.42 on Friday. – She has walked on a street in an area that is very close to the forest, and then…