Tag: monkey
Triple the number of monkey pox in Europe
Published: Less than 30 minutes ago full-screen smallpox causes rashes, sores and blisters. The symptoms are often mild but can be severe in people at risk. Stock Photography from Congo-Kinshasa.…
Triple the number of monkey pox in Europe
Facts: Monkey pox Monkey pox (English monkeypox) is a disease that can be transmitted between animals and humans. It was discovered in monkeys and was therefore named monkey pox, but…
What are the symptoms of Monkey Pox? Does Monkey Pox kill the virus, how is it transmitted?
After the last-minute statement about Monkey Pox disease, citizens continue to research on the internet. Minister Koca announced that Monkeypox disease is also seen in Turkey. So what are the…
Return to Monkey Island: finally gameplay for the return of the legendary saga
As we learned earlier this year, one of the most cult sagas in video games is making a comeback this year. Return to Monkey Island revealed itself a little more…
Return to Monkey Island: the legendary saga offers new gameplay images
Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman have prepared a thunderous Brest adventure for Return to Monkey Island. The cult saga is back, and will be released on Steam and Switch later…
Johan Nilsson: That’s why it matters what monkey pox is called
The World Health Organization’s statement came after about 30 researchers a few days earlier had argued for a name change in an article in the journal Virological. “The outbreak we…
WHO statement: Monkey pox is not currently an international public health threat
For example, the coronavirus pandemic, the Ebola epidemic in Congo and the spread of poliovirus have been declared international public health threats. The World Health Organization says monkey pox is…
WHO: Monkey pox no global crisis
The outbreak of smallpox is currently not a global health crisis. This is what the WHO chief says, who at the same time warns that the many cases that have…
WHO: Monkey pox no global crisis
This is what the WHO chief says, who at the same time warns that the many cases that have been reported recently point to a worrying development. The statement by…
WHO: Monkey pox is not an international threat to human health
A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2022-06-26 00:47 The original address of the article: https://www.dn.se/varlden/who-apkoppor-inget-internationellt-hot-mot-manniskors-halsa/ In recent weeks, smallpox has been found in over 50 countries. The WHO has now consulted…