Tag: metropolis
If we brought together all the inhabitants of the planet in one place, they could all stand side by side on an incredibly small surface, corresponding to a French department or a large metropolis.
If we brought together all the inhabitants of the planet in one place, they could all stand side by side on an incredibly small surface, corresponding to a French department…
To reduce the digital divide in its territory, the metropolis of Nantes will offer an Internet, telephone and television package at 2.90 euros per month. An excellent social initiative which should serve as an example.
To reduce the digital divide in its territory, the metropolis of Nantes will offer an Internet, telephone and television package at 2.90 euros per month. An excellent social initiative which…
Townsend: The failed metropolis in Haldimand
News Local News Author of the article: JP Antonacci • Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Published Jul 28, 2023 • Last updated 1 day ago • 6 minute read Worried about…
Music: Jeff Mills, recreates the soundtrack of the cult film “Metropolis”
Jeff Mills has been Detroit’s greatest techno legend since 1980. At 59, the legendary American DJ, has produced more than 70 albums, played with classical orchestras, composed silent film scores…
Capital abandons the metropolis: “Hard to see a brighter future”
Since 50 years ago, Hong Kong has been one of the world’s most important financial centers. But increasingly tight control from Beijing, and several years of negative growth are causing…
China’s casino metropolis remains closed
Published: Just now full screen Empty streets in front of the MGM Grand casino in Macao, on Monday earlier this week. Photo: Kong / AP / TT Macao, the partially…
China’s casino metropolis remains closed
The urban region enjoys somewhat greater freedoms than China in general, much like Hong Kong, but the authorities there follow the zero tolerance towards covid-19 that the Chinese central government…