Tag: method
The method that ends snoring: Before going to sleep…
Most of the world suffer from snoring problem. According to figures from the British Snoring and Sleep Apnea Society, 41.5 percent of adults in the UK are susceptible to the…
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy: the new method to treat the symptoms of Covid-long?
News Published on 07/22/2022 at 10:29 a.m. Updated 07/22/2022 at 10:29 a.m. Reading 2 mins. Tel Aviv University researchers exposed patients with long COVID to intensive hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)…
5 excellent ways to reduce hair loss! Be sure to apply to hair that is broken and spilled quickly.
Ways to prevent hair loss are frequently sought by many people. Although dandruff and hair loss on the scalp are sometimes caused by hormonal irregularities, they can often be easily…
New method to detect aggressive prostate cancer faster
A new important discovery about prostate cancer has been made by researchers at Umeå University. It means that it will be faster and easier to find out which patients have…
Telephone coaching, the new miracle method to quit smoking?
News Published on 07/13/2022 at 12:07 p.m. Updated 07/13/2022 at 12:07 p.m. Reading 2 mins. According to recent work by the “Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center”, telephone coaching with experts…
a report questions the way, not the method
The images had gone around the world: last year, near Del Rio, on the border between Texas and Mexico, American agents of the border police had chased, on horseback, Haitian…
An effective method for predicting the violence of solar cycles
They release in a few minutes 100,000 times moreenergy than all the power plants on Earth produce in a year. But above all, the solar flares sometimes wreak havoc on…
Solar activity: an effective method to predict their violence
They release in a few minutes 100,000 times moreenergy than all the power plants on Earth produce in a year. But above all, the solar flares sometimes wreak havoc on…
New method against noise is being tested in Sweden
full screen In the million program Sloalyckan, concerns about the “family settlements” are growing. It is a new, untried method: the lease expires if someone in the household disturbs the…
With this method, it is very easy to quit smoking without gaining weight!
Smoking negatively affects the health of both the smoker and those around him. Experts always say not to smoke. In order to live a healthier and longer life, it is…