Tag: members
Four members of Hamas arrested in Germany after planning attacks
Four members of the terrorist group Hamas have been arrested in Germany, suspected of having planned attacks on Jewish targets in Europe. Reuters reports. Three of the suspects were arrested…
who are the 14 members of the joint committee? – The Express
After the thunderclap caused by the rejection motion adopted by the deputies on Monday December 11, it is time for negotiations. In closed committee and behind closed doors. Monday, December…
Sameby members suspected of hunting crimes – now comes the verdict
The four men, who are members of a Sami village, are charged with serious hunting offenses in 2019 after protective hunting of bears. The first trial was already started just…
several opposition members prosecuted for “treason” and “conspiracy”
In Venezuela, a member of the team of Maria Corina Machado, the opposition candidate, was arrested at her home on Wednesday evening, and other relatives of the opponent are being…
who are the members of the Presidential Science Council launched by Macron? – The Express
Bringing science closer to politics. This is the objective of the new body imagined and enthroned, this Thursday, December 7 at the Elysée, by Emmanuel Macron. Called the “Presidential Science…
The small group Division Martel dissolved, who are the members?
The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, announced Wednesday morning the dissolution of this ultra-right group in the Council of Ministers. Made up of around thirty members, it was formed…
Public Prosecution Service demands prison and community service for Utrecht board members alFitrah due to ‘opposition to the rule of law’
The then chairman, a 43-year-old man from Tilburg, and secretary, a 40-year-old woman from Tilburg, are said to have been guilty of “obstructing a parliamentary interrogation committee”. And that is…
For security reasons, members of the Government will now have to use the Olvid application instead of popular instant messengers, such as WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram. An example to follow ?
For security reasons, members of the Government will now have to use the Olvid application instead of popular instant messengers, such as WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram. An example to follow…
Tantrasex guru and cult members arrested in France
French police raided a yoga sect on Tuesday. They arrested 41 sect members, including the “tantra guru”, a Swedish-Romanian man who led the sect and is now suspected of kidnapping,…
crew members missing after cargo ship sinks to Lesvos
A cargo ship sank this Sunday, November 26 off the coast of Lesbos, while Greece is facing a wave of violent winds linked to Storm Oliver. Fourteen crew members were…