Tag: manifestation
Manifestation in Sollefteå exposes deep crack in S: “Don’t know who he represents”
The future of Sollefteå Hospital has for many years been a conflict issue within the region’s largest party, the Social Democrats. The day before the manifestation, the party’s district chairman…
Protest video and manifestation to prevent tree felling in Amelisweerd: ‘This is a crucial moment’
The PVV minister is now on a collision course with the municipalities, the province of Utrecht, nature organizations and lovers of the forest near Amelisweerd. Jos Kloppenborg of Core Group…
The human rights organization Amnesty got hold of the draft of Saudi Arabia’s criminal law: “A manifestation of oppression” | Foreign countries
Human rights organization Amnesty International describes in his report The draft of Saudi Arabia’s new criminal law as a “manifestation of oppression”. According to Amnesty, the draft law justifies human…
Regional transport employees continue to fight for a better collective labor agreement, national manifestation in Utrecht next week
In regional transport, campaigns have been underway for a long time for a better collective labor agreement and lower work pressure, but negotiations with the employers’ association Association of Public…
Manifestation of municipal officials in Utrecht for ‘good pay rise and appreciation’
“Not only is inflation repair important,” says Juan Schot, director of CNV Overheid. “But the national government also delegates a lot of tasks to the municipalities. That is why there…
Stichting Dierenweide Julianapark against FNV manifestation in park: ‘Everything is going to shit’
Jan Willem van Holland, manager of the animal pasture in Juliana Park, is angry about the state of affairs. Very angry. “I’m not a tree hugger or anything. But you…