Tag: Malware
Beware, this malware has been infecting Macs for over a year
Microsoft warns Mac users against UpdateAgent. This new malware is able to collect system information and install adware while bypassing the Gatekeeper security feature of macOS. You will also be…
Who is Lockbit 2.0, the hacker group that claims the attack on the Department of Justice?
In quick succession, the group of hackers that takes its name from the Lockbit 2.0 ransomware has claimed responsibility for attacks against the town hall of Saint-Cloud and especially against…
This malware empties your bank account and erases everything on your phone!
Discovered in 2019, Brata returns in a more sophisticated version that allows hackers to empty your bank account, then completely erase mobile data to hide its tracks. You will also…
This virus attacks the brain of your computer
Discovered by Kaspersky, Moonbounce resides in the memory of the motherboard, and it infects the computer each time it starts. Created by Chinese hackers, it is used to access the…
Moonbounce, the dangerous malware that hides in the flash memory of motherboards
Kaspersky’s sleuths have detected, for the second time, a particularly stealthy UEFI rootkit, because it can hide in the SPI Flash chip of a PC motherboard. This allows the malicious…
How to choose an antivirus?
In recent years, threats to computers have increased. Very large companies have been the subject of computer attacks which have been able to paralyze their activity for several days. An…
SYSJOKER. Security experts have identified a new malware dubbed SysJoker that installs a backdoor on computers running Windows, macOS, and Linux. And which has not yet been detected by any antivirus…
SYSJOKER. Security experts have identified a new malware dubbed SysJoker that installs a backdoor on computers running Windows, macOS, and Linux. And which has not yet been detected by any…
A curious malware has been raging in Windows since the beginning of the year: spreading via software cracks, it installs a virulent extension in Chrome and displays a PowerShell window at regular intervals. Manual cleaning is required.
A curious malware has been raging in Windows since the beginning of the year: spreading via software cracks, it installs a virulent extension in Chrome and displays a PowerShell window…
Believing they are downloading the torrent of the movie Spider-Man: No Way Home, the latest episode in the superhero’s adventures, Internet users are in fact recovering Monero cryptocurrency mining malware.
Believing they are downloading the torrent of the movie Spider-Man: No Way Home, the latest episode in the superhero’s adventures, Internet users are in fact recovering Monero cryptocurrency mining malware.…
How the Raspberry Pi can detect a virus without any software
A team of researchers designed a non-software virus detection system using a Raspberry Pi, an H-field probe, and an oscilloscope. This set makes it possible to detect the signatures of…