Tag: Lung
Lung cancer: osimertinib halves the risk of death
News Published on 06/05/2023 at 12:27 p.m. Updated 06/05/2023 at 12:27 p.m. Reading 3 mins. Already licensed in many countries, osimertinib has been shown to halve the risk of death…
Lung cancer: AstraZeneca’s “new therapeutic weapon” that could save lives
One tablet reduces, according to the latest clinical tests, the risk of death from a certain type of lung cancer by half, after the tumor has been removed by operation.…
It does 50 times more damage than a cigarette! causes lung cancer
The harmful chemicals in cigarettes directly affect health. Even non-smokers can suffer from various diseases by being exposed to cigarette smoke. Stating that carcinogenic substances in cigarettes are more in…
Pulmonologist: everything you need to know about the lung doctor
A pulmonologist is a doctor who specializes in the lungs and respiratory tract (trachea, bronchus, diaphragm, etc.). When to go see it? How is a consultation carried out? What price…
Find out your lung cancer risk with the finger test! You can try this simple test at home
Lung cancer can spread faster than other types of cancer, and about 40,000 people are diagnosed each year. Usually, the symptoms of lung cancer do not appear until the cells…
World first: a lung transplant performed with a robot without opening the thorax
News Published on 04/18/2023 at 7:15 p.m. Updated 04/18/2023 at 7:15 p.m. Reading 4 mins. In Barcelona, a team of thoracic surgeons announces that they have performed the world’s first…
Water in the lung: how to treat pulmonary edema?
Acute pulmonary edema (pulmonary edema or PAO), caused by heart disease, is a medical emergency. What are the causes ? Symptoms ? Cough ? How to treat it? Summary Acute…
Florent Pagny with lung cancer: this first symptom “not bad at first” which should have alerted
In an autobiography to be published on April 5, singer Florent Pagny recounts the diagnosis of his lung cancer and the first symptom to which he initially paid no attention.…
Lung cancer in non-smokers: causes and prognosis
If tobacco is the first risk factor for developing lung cancer, it is not the only one! It is possible to develop lung cancer even if you have never smoked.…
The expert warned: Beware of the risk of enbolism starting in the foot! can have fatal consequences
Enboli (clots) can cause undetected, irreversible results. Failure to properly intervene in the clot that starts in the leg causes the enbolin to clog the pulmonary vessels, creating a fatal…