Tag: Lööfs
Annie Lööfs Thanks to Muharrem Demirok
After the German election results: “Smolk in the joy cup” 0:58 Three news you must not miss: Annie Lööfs Thanks to Muharrem Demirok Annie Lööfs Thanks to Muharrem Demirok Muharrem…
Demirok’s first day: “Annie Lööf’s line has always stood firm”
Yesterday he was elected as the new party leader. Muharrem Demirok is directly faced with several tough questions, one of which is the relationship with the Sweden Democrats. In an…
Lööf’s meeting with Theodor Engström
After eleven years, Annie Lööf is stepping down as party leader for the Center Party – a time that involved both political successes and setbacks, but also a lot of…
Annie Lööf’s smoking dick to Nooshi Dadgostar: “Stop that”
Published: Less than 20 min ago This morning, Annie Lööf (C) sent a peek into Nooshi Dadgostar’s (V) health habits. In the Riksdag, the party leaders share the same rise,…
Knutson: Annie Lööf’s (C) government plans are unrealistic
The government question received a lot of space in SVT’s hearing of Annie Lööf (C). – The Center Party will have a key role if Magdalena Andersson’s government foundation wins…
Dadgostar about Lööf’s government actions: “Strange”
In order for an S/C government to be able to pass a budget through the Riksdag, with the current state of opinion, likely support from the Left Party is required.…