Tag: Lithuania
Lithuania restricts train traffic to one of Russia’s main military areas – read what may follow from the Kaliningrad dispute
The deteriorating ties between Russia and Lithuania once again brought Europe into another explosive dispute in a situation where the EU is trying to keep its line straight after Russia…
Russia can stop the supply of electricity to Lithuania
Russian proposals are becoming increasingly clear against Lithuania after the country’s ban on transporting goods subject to EU sanctions through the country via transit railway to Russian Kaliningrad, came into…
War in Ukraine: fierce fighting in the east, the tone rises between Moscow and Lithuania
Eastern Ukraine is still in the throes of heavy fighting. “The Russian army is pounding Lysytchansk with cannons, missiles, aerial bombs, rocket launchers… they are destroying everything,” Serguii Gaïdaï, the…
Kaliningrad: Russia warns Lithuania that does not allow product transit
Russia has warned the small Baltic country that it “could face serious consequences” after Lithuania refused to allow some goods entering Kaliningrad to pass by train. Then he summoned the…
Anger in the Kremlin: Lithuania stops transport to Kaliningrad
A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2022-06-22 03:48 The original address of the article: https://www.dn.se/varlden/kreml-kokar-av-ilska-efter-litauens-stopp-pa-jarnvag/ Updated Yesterday 21:59 Published Yesterday 21:25 Picture 1 of 3 Lithuania has stopped rail transport to…
the European Union supports Lithuania
The Russian enclave in the Baltic Sea, a kind of militarized base for the Russian fleet, is likely to become another abscess in fixing tensions between Europe and Russia, as…
Lithuanian restrictions on transit to Kaliningrad anger Russia
Kaliningrad, a strategic territory landlocked by the European Union Vilnius therefore prohibits, since this weekend, the passage through its territory of goods on the list of European sanctions against Russia.…
Fundraising campaign to buy Bayraktar to Ukraine in Lithuania: 3 million Euros collected in 3 days
In Lithuania, 3 million Euros were collected in 3 days in the donation campaign organized for the purchase of Bayraktar TB2 SİHA in order to send some regions to Ukraine…
Lithuania ends with Russian oil
In April, Lithuania stopped using Russian natural gas. Imports of oil and electricity from Russia are now also stopped. Minister of Energy Dainus Kreivys tells Danish Finans that it is…
“The end of 30 years of regional cooperation”
Moscow announced on Tuesday its withdrawal from the Council of Baltic Sea States. Interview with Florent Parmentier, Secretary General of the Center for Political Research at Sciences Po (Cevipof). The…