Tag: LExpress
AI, digital revolution, virtual reality… Control F, the new tech podcast from L’Express
In this special episode of La Loupe, Xavier Yvon invites Frédéric Filloux to talk about the digital revolution in cinema. Listen to this episode and subscribe to La Loupe on…
Macron, bureaucracy and the middle classes: letters from the readers of L’Express
Bureaucratic suffocation Francois de La Vaissière, Vernon (Eure) What a great idea to dedicate your cover to the grip of bureaucracy on our lives. The contributions of Jérôme Fourquet and…
Mélenchon, school, Germany: letters from the readers of L’Express
Electricity: charred Germany Dominique Grenèche, Marcoussis (Essonne) It is time to face reality on the German energy revolution, with its absolute priority given to the production of renewable electricity and…
Public services: bureaucratic burnout – Le dossier de L’Express
Jérôme Fourquet: “Bureaucratic illness weighs on society with the weight of an enormous ball” Nurses, rural mayors, police officers… Public officials say they can no longer bear the weight of…
“The man who will read us”: 70 years ago, the first editorial by Françoise Giroud in L’Express
On May 16, 1953, Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber and Françoise Giroud launched L’Express as a weekly supplement to Les Echos. Françoise Giroud confided in our 2,500th issue: “L’Express was born of anger.…
Regional languages, national wonders – L’Express
Imagine, God forbid, the Pont du Gard collapsing. And imagine that Emmanuel Macron is content to declare: “It’s boring for the Gard department, but let it manage: the state will…
When Mauriac discovers Sollers – L’Express
[Philippe Sollers, grande figure de la littérature française, est décédé à l’âge de 86 ans ce samedi 6 mai 2023. Vingt ans plus tôt, en 2003, L’Express ressortait de ses archives, pour…
Constitution, diplomacy, Mauriac… Letter from the readers of L’Express
Macron in China Jean-Michel Benard, Chatillon (Hauts-de-Seine) I was delighted to read the article on “Gribouille’s diplomacy” as I was surprised by the content of the President of the Republic’s…
François Léotard: his last meeting with L’Express
He was waiting for us at the Gare de Lyon, in this historic and listed café du Train bleu, seated in an armchair, slightly out of sight. Beneath the huge…
Public spending, end of life, presidential 2027: letters from the readers of L’Express
Doctors facing the end of life Patrice Micolon, Viroflay (Yvelines) Many doctors display their opposition to the euthanasia of terminally ill patients in the name of respect for life and…