Tag: LCI
Immigration, taxes, end of life … what to remember from the interview of François Bayrou on LCI – L’Express
The Prime Minister spares the goat and the cabbage. No removal of teachers for socialists, no new household tax for the right and the center. Always at the mercy of…
Interview with Netanyahu on LCI: “Our victory is the victory of France”, assures the Israeli Prime Minister
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on the LCI channel this Thursday, May 30, during an interview. He notably estimated that “the victory of Israel is the victory against anti-Semitism”.…
Jean-Pierre Pernaut: absent from LCI for months, his health worries
BIOGRAPHY OF JEAN-PIERRE PERNAUT. Diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer this fall, Jean-Pierre Pernaut retired from the LCI antenna for health reasons. Still absent, his state of health worries. Summary [Mis…