Tag: laundry
How many duvet covers can you put in a 5 kg washing machine? Is the number of kilos calculated on the basis of dry laundry or wet laundry?
It’s the season to wash your duvets. But do you know how many can be put in a machine at the same time? Here’s how to estimate it. The capacity…
Are you washing these clothes enough… or TOO often? Here is the right laundry frequency depending on the case
One, two, three, seven times a week? These specialists tell us how often to wash our clothes. 7.3 billion detergents per year in France. This is the insane figure advanced…
A pool noodle will revolutionize the way you dry your laundry
Doing laundry can be a daunting task from start to finish, and keeping clothes wrinkle-free once they’re clean and dry is often a frustrating challenge, especially when air-dried. When you…
The national team laundry of Saudi Arabia raised a big fuss – football coach Rosa Lappi-Seppälä does not feel that she is a tool for sports laundry
The news was startling. Two weeks ago on Monday, it was reported that a Finn Rosa Lappi-Seppälä is the new head coach of the Saudi Arabian women’s national football team.…
Gunvor, 93, stayed in the laundry room during the violent fire
93-year-old Gunvor Andersson escaped without injuries or smoke damage after the violent fire in her apartment building in central Stockholm on Sunday. She lives at the top of the seventh…
Strong wind? Quickly do the laundry and charge your phone: this weather forecast will help you save energy
Province of Utrecht – Not only the rain and wind are predicted, the chance of economical washing is also included. You can hear that in the energy weather forecast launched…
Jose Mourinho is known for his laundry basket escape and other scandalous episodes – has the legend facing HJK really fallen off the development bandwagon?
Jose Mourinho is undoubtedly one of the most famous and loved, but also the most hated football coaches of our time. It’s easy to write crazy headlines about the 59-year-old…
“I steal laundry from my mother”: these executives ready to do anything to save money
A few weeks ago, Lucie* found a solution to limit the price increase of her shopping basket. The 27-year-old decided to make the most of the discounts offered by home…
the LR party does its dirty laundry in public
While many are predicting a big storm among the Republicans the day after the second round of the presidential election, strong turmoil has already been felt this Friday between several…