Tag: large
Censis Ranking, Luiss in First Place Among Large Non-State Universities
(Telestock) – Luiss Guido Carli is the best large non-state university, category in which it enters this year for the first time, directly conquering the highest step of the podium.…
Women Aggressive Towards Those With Large Breasts? The Surprising Results of a Study
News Published on 07/16/2024 at 4:31 p.m. Updated 07/16/2024 at 4:31 p.m. Reading 2 min. Attention all those with large breasts: your asset could trigger aggression in other women. At…
Large crowd attends community hub public meeting
Breadcrumb Trail Links News Local News Published Jul 17, 2024 • Last updated 1 hour ago • 2 minute read A large crowd attends the John D. Bradley Convention Center…
In Kigali and Rubavu, voters in large numbers at the opening of polling stations
Polling stations for the legislative and presidential elections opened on July 15, 2024 at 5 a.m. UT in Rwanda (7 a.m. local time). A poll in which President Paul Kagame,…
Large search effort for drowning alarms in Malmköping
It was just before midnight that an alarm came in about a suspected case of drowning at the swimming area near the campsite in Malmköping. There must have been a…
One arrested after Bristol bag murder – wanted still at large
Updated 01.32 | Published 00.41 share-arrowShare unsaveSave The bags left on a bridge in Bristol contained the bodies of two adult men. On Friday, a man was arrested in London…
“There can be really large amounts of rain”
This weekend it may rain heavily in the southern parts of Sweden, and SMHI has warned of floods and thunderstorms.– Locally, there can be really large amounts of rain, says…
Thousands of French people will have to pay a large sum to their tax authorities and many have forgotten it
Only the far-sighted will not be surprised by the news sent by the tax authorities. The pleasant surprise may turn into a bad dream. In the middle of summer, when…
Severe weather hits Utrecht: code orange due to thunderstorms, wind gusts and large hailstones
Tips During storms or gusts of wind, stay indoors as much as possible. “If you have to go outside, leave the building via an exit that is not directly in…
In pictures: Large storm clouds above Utrecht, but no real impacts
The KNMI announced a code orange for the entire country this afternoon due to the expected heavy thunderstorms. After a muggy day, with around 27 degrees in the province of…