Tag: lane
Former cop Thomas Lane, who was on trial for the death of George Floyd in the USA, pleaded guilty two years later
Former police officer Derek Chauvin, who killed black George Floyd on May 25, 2020, in the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, who killed him by pressing on his neck, and…
Lane (ECB): perhaps within the middle of the year we will see peak inflation
(Finance) – “In the context of a 45% increase in energy costs, right now inflation it is more than we would like. We think it may be a few months…
[Carte d’électeur]: Jadot and Hidalgo, each in their lane
As the first round of the presidential election approaches in France, the candidate of rebellious France Jean-Luc Mélenchon stands out from the other left-wing candidates. Behind, the ecologist Yannick Jadot…
ECB, Lane: ready to act if inflation remains above expectations
(Finance) – In case inflation remained above expectations, the ECB would tighten its monetary policy. She said it Philip Lanechief economist of the European central bank, in an interview with…