Tag: Kurdistan
In Iraqi Kurdistan, a Norouz festival marked by the call for the dissolution of the PKK
Three weeks after the call for the dissolution of the guerrilla warfare of the Kurdistan workers’ party (PKK), and while Turkish bombing continues on the positions of the insurgents in…
Türkiye: nearly 300 arrests, including members of the Kurdistan workers party
Nearly 300 people have been arrested in the past five days in Türkiye. According to the authorities of Ankara, who deliver this assessment this Tuesday, February 18, it would be…
Iraqi Kurdistan engages discussions with the PKK to appease the Turkish Kurdish conflict
The conflict between Turkey and Kurdish guerrilla warfare of the Kurdistan workers (PKK) since the late 1970s could enter a appeasement phase, after the recent resumption of hostilities. An important…
Iraqi Kurdistan: on hunger strike, teachers claim their unpaid wages
For the past week, Iraqi Kurdistan schools have been closed. The teachers have declared a general mobilization to claim the payment of their wages, whose payment is hampered by financial…
in Kurdistan, the other Syrian war – L’Express
“We are the only secular and democratic forces today,” confides Erdelan*, a member of the Syrian Kurdistan Fighting Forces (FDS). “The groups that took power in Syria are Islamists, they…
towards a resumption of oil exports to Kurdistan, under the leadership of Baghdad
White smoke in Iraq for the resumption of Kurdish oil exports. An agreement was reached on Wednesday November 6 between the authorities of Iraqi Kurdistan and the federal government of…
After several postponements, the campaign for parliamentary elections begins in Iraqi Kurdistan
After multiple twists and turns, the parliamentary elections in Iraqi Kurdistan will take place on October 20. Voters in the autonomous region of northern Iraq have not been called to…
Shock in Iraqi Kurdistan after deadly shipwreck off the Italian coast
Only eleven people survived the sinking of a sailboat a week ago off the Italian coast. Sixty people are still missing. Among the passengers, a large number were Kurds, from…
Kurdistan no longer issues visas to Syrian workers
Kurdistan has suspended the issuance of visas for workers from neighboring Syria. This also concerns the renewal of residence permits. In total, this represents 5% of the population of Iraqi…
in Iraqi Kurdistan, civil servants demonstrate after months of unpaid debts
In Iraqi Kurdistan, civil servants demonstrated on Saturday in support of the decision of Iraq’s highest court which ordered the Iraqi government in Baghdad to pay Kurdish civil servants directly,…