Tag: Kalmar
17-year-old charged with knife murder in Kalmar
It was at the end of April this year that a 25-year-old man was murdered in the Berga district in Kalmar. The man was stabbed in the back and died…
Police safe before the pride festival in Kalmar: “There is no threat”
After Kalmarsund Pride closed down its operations earlier in the year, it became clear yesterday that Kalmar Stadsmission will take over the pride festival in Kalmar. The plan is for…
After the murders – worries in Kalmar before the summer drug trade
A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2022-06-27 04:54 Article origin address: https://www.dn.se/sverige/oro-i-kalmar-infor-sommaren-nya-mord-att-vanta/ Updated Yesterday 20:18 Published Yesterday 20:12 In less than six months, three young men have been shot dead in…
The Swedish Work Environment Authority has examined the emergency room – criticizes Region Kalmar
This spring, the Healthcare Association in Kalmar Region reported Kalmar to the Swedish Work Environment Authority due to the heavy workload in the emergency room in Kalmar. And it seems…