Tag: Jupiters
Europa Clipper to find evidence of extraterrestrial life on Jupiter’s moon Europa
expand-left full screen In search of extraterrestrial life, Nasa’s new space probe has begun its journey out into the solar system. The destination: A moon with an ocean containing twice…
NASA will search for signs of life in the ocean on Jupiter’s moon Europa! It will enter orbit in 2030
NASA’s spacecraft, launched from Florida’s Kennedy Space Center with Space IT IS BELIEVED TO HOST AN UNDERGROUND OCEAN Within the scope of the project, which will cost 5.2 billion dollars,…
Something moved on Jupiter’s moon Europa, scientists stunned
New images of Jupiter’s moon have allowed scientists to make an incredible discovery. The universe is still full of mysteries. Images from satellites can tell us more about what is…
New space probe to search for life on Jupiter’s moons
The Juice project, short for “Jupiter icy moons explorer”, is described as the largest European space research project to date. The cost is equivalent to SEK 18 billion, according to…
Help scientists unravel the mysteries of Jupiter’s atmosphere
As Futura explained in a previous article, the rise of astronautics during the second half of the 20e century made it possible to transpose the models and techniques of geophysics…
Dunes on Jupiter’s volcanic moon!
Everyone who as a teenager has seen the movie 2010: Odyssey Twoadapted from the eponymous novel by Arthur Clarke, are certainly fascinated by the idea of exploring Iothe volcanic, and…
We visited the Juice space probe which will explore Jupiter’s icy moons
Under the Sun Toulouse on this beautiful and cool day of April 5, 2022, our guides from the European Space Agency (ESA) and Airbus Space welcome us and prepare us…
Jupiter’s cyclones explained by ocean physics
Thanks to the images of Jupiter acquired by the Juno probe, a team of oceanographers has studied the forces that drive the polar cyclones of the giant planet. Since His…