Tag: judgment
Judgment on suspected rapes in nursing homes
A man in his 30s is sentenced to seven years and six months in prison for several cases of aggravated rape at a nursing home in Lerum. The man is…
judgment rendered in the “Paris bis” trial in Brussels
One day after the conclusion of the Paris attacks trial, the Brussels Criminal Court delivered its judgment in the so-called “Paris bis” trial. It was a question of trying suspects…
Judgment against Fingerprint base – seven years after the indictment
When the trial ended in May, chamber prosecutor Jonas Myrdal demanded Johan Carlström’s four years in prison. – It is a question of systematic crimes for private gain, said Jonas…
Judgment in Japan: Government not responsible for Fukushima
The case, which was decided in the Supreme Court on Friday, concerned the first of several similar lawsuits in Japan. Behind the lawsuits are around 3,700 former Fukushima residents who…
Judgment against a teenager who had thousands of child pornographic images
According to the verdict, around 100 of the 2218 files that the police found in the teenager’s computer and mobile phone were of a particularly ruthless nature. The court decides…
Judgment after Easter riot: Six months in prison
A man in his 30s is sentenced to six months in prison for violent rioting and attempted violence against an official during the riots in Rinkeby in Stockholm on Good…
Spindox, EnVent improves judgment at Outperform and TP file
(Finance) – EnVent Capital Markets has lowered a 19.30 euros per share (from 19.36 euros) on target price up Spindoxa company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and active in the…
Directa, EnVent increases target price and judgment at Outperform
(Finance) – EnVent Capital Markets increased a € 5.85 per share (from 5.61 euros) on target price up Directa SIMplatform for online trading and company listed on Euronext Growth Milan,…
Isis’ unique judgment in Sweden today – inciting a child to fight is a war crime?
The woman is the first person belonging to the extremist organization Isis to be charged with war crimes in Sweden. According to the prosecutor, the woman used her 12-year-old son…
a judgment scrutinized throughout the EU
Can the European Union deprive of European funds one of its members who does not respect the rule of law? The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) must…