Tag: Iren
Iren, closing of investment agreement in Egea expected on August 1st
(Finance) – Irene communicates with a note that the closing of the investment agreement in Egea is expected on 1 August, after the main conditions precedent set out in the…
Iren, Alessandro Cecchi as AIRU president
(Finance) – Almost at the end of his second term as President, Lorenzo Spadoni bids farewell to the Association and passes the baton to Alessandro CecchiDirector of Regulatory Affairs of…
Iren Group rewards the 10 most innovative theses on ESG
(Finance) – Translating sustainability into concrete and achievable commitments: this is the ambitious objective that animated the ESG Challenge Iren 2024a now fixed appointment of Iren Group to promote reflection…
Iren Luce Gas Servizi in the square in Chivasso with a giant screen for the Moto GP
(Finance) – Iren Luce Gas e Servizi (Iren Group) is partner of the Municipality of Chivasso for the “Chivasso supports Pecco” event. On the occasion of the eagerly awaited final…
Circular economy, Iren best practices at Ecomondo
(Finance) – The Group Iren will be present at Ecoworld, the international reference event for all actors in the ecological transition ecosystem, which will take place from 7 to 10…
The Iren Group present at the Italy-France-Germany Trilateral
(Finance) – The Group IREN took part in the trilateral agreement between Italy, France and Germany on digital and ecological transitions, a meeting that constituted a moment of significant comparison…
Iren, binding offer confirmed for the disposal of Egea’s assets and equity investments
(Finance) – Irenas part of the procedure launched by Egea, today confirmed the contents of the binding offer already presented on 21 September. As already communicated, the offer is based…
Iren presents a binding offer to acquire Egea’s assets
(Finance) – Iren presented today a binding offer to detect Egea’s assets and shareholdings. The offer, which confirms Iren’s interest, is based on a solid economic and industrial plan aimed…
Iren, Board of Directors appoints Paolo Emilio Signorini CEO and Managing Director
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – The Board of Directors of Iren, meeting today in Reggio Emilia, following the resignation presented by Gianni Vittorio Armani on 12 June 2023, co-opted Paul Emilio…
Iren inaugurates the Circular Wood plant of ASM Vercelli
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Iren announces that it was The Circular Wood plant of ASM Vercelli was inaugurated today, a Group company active in the production of logistic supports from…