Tag: Investor
Soul, Mediobanca buys up to 9% for an investor
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Mediobanca – Banca di Credito Finanziario, acting as intermediary on behalf of a financial investor – communicates the immediate start of a reverse accelerated bookbuilding procedure…
Declining investor interest in new construction
“In the spring of 2022 we still expected that the construction of 1300 homes could be started in 2022, in the autumn we reduced that expectation to 1000”, says a…
Investor makes millions from NFTs
An investor known as “NFT God” made a fortune in NFTs and other digital currencies. But due to a mistake everything is gone now. The loss of his fortune seems…
Cellularline, Co-CEO Marco Cagnetta is interim Investor Relator
(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Cellularlinea company listed on Euronext STAR Milan and active in the smartphone and tablet accessories sector, has appointed Co-CEO Marco Cagnetta as interim…
Tim, foreign investor interest in your assets is being probed. The government studies the solutions
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Telecom Italy would be probing the interest of investors for his assets, while the new Meloni government is trying to find an agreement on how to…
Generalfinance, Banco BPM new investor in the securitization program
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – generalfinancea company listed on Euronext STAR Milan and a financial intermediary specializing in factoring for distressed SMEs, has announced the entry of BPM desk how new…
“Institutional Investor”, Intesa Sanpaolo: “Messina confirmed as the best CEO of European banks”
(Finance) – Intesa Sanpaolo it is confirmed as the first in Europe for relations with institutional investors and financial analysts and for aspectsESG, according to the 2022 ranking drawn up…
Masimo, activist investor buys 8.4% stake
(Finance) – The activist investor Politan Capital Management revealed that he had acquired one 8.4% stake in the medical device manufacturer Masimo, according to a filing with the Securities and…
NYT, investor activist ValueAct buys stake and asks for change
(Finance) – Theactivist investor ValueAct bought more than 11 million shares of the New York Times, the largest newspaper in the world (listed on the New York Stock Exchange). It’s…
Intesa Sanpaolo is confirmed as the first company in Italy for investor relations and ESG aspects
(Finance) – Intesa Sanpaolo is confirmed first in Italy among Large Cap companies in all product sectors for relations with financial analysts and institutional investors and for ESG aspects. Intesa…