Tag: Internet
Facebook: how to clear your search history?
Facebook keeps absolutely all searches made since opening an account. Although this history is only visible to the account holder, some members may wish to maintain their confidentiality by erasing…
How to change DNS server on Windows 10?
Whether you want to improve IP address resolution times, bypass state censorship, or simply limit access to your browsing history by a third party, there is another solution than subscribing…
Server: what is it?
A computer server is a device that offers a set of services to clients to which it is networked through the Internet or a intranet. The server is usually a…
Celeste: the French-style eco-responsible cloud
With its particular data center equipped with an environmentally responsible cooling system, the French internet operator Céleste operates EMC PowerEdge servers from Dell. A virtuous combination that nourishes a common…
What are the applications of VPNs in the private and professional spheres?
Virtual private networks or VPNs. They are in the conversations of tech aficionados but their rationale may seem unclear to some. Is this service only for insiders? Or can anyone…