Tag: Intermonte
LU-VE, Intermonte raises target price and confirms Outperform
(Telestock) – Intermonte has increased to 31.0 euros per share (from the previous 28.9 euros) the target price on Mon-Fria company listed on Euronext Milan and active in the air…
Mid and Small Cap, Intermonte: positive performance and growing liquidity
(Finance) – The market shareholder iitalian (prices as of July 12, 2024) hrecorded a positive performance of 0.7% in the last month and is up 13.5% on an annual basis.…
Antares Vision closes lower, but analysts are positive. Intermonte confirms “outperform”
(Finance) – The stock closes lower Antares Vision which closed the session down by 1.64% on previous values, on the day in which the company presented the 2024-2026 Industrial Plan.…
Fine Foods in the money after Outperform confirmation from Intermonte
(Finance) – Lively session for Fine Foods & Pharmaceuticals NTM, protagonist of an upward extension with a progress of 2.35%. The title was also supported by the positive opinion of…
Intermonte, Intesa confirms Buy and appreciates high dividend yield
(Finance) – Intesa Sanpaolo he confirmed target price (2.8 euros per share) e recommendation (Buy) on the title Intermonte Partners SIMan independent investment bank listed on Euronext Growth Milan, after…
Tamburi: Equita raises target price, Intermonte confirms
(Finance) – Equity has increased a 12.30 euros per share (from the previous 12.1 euros) the target price on Tamburi Investment Partners (TIP), an independent and diversified industrial group focused…
Civitanavi, Intermonte raises target price and confirms Buy
(Finance) – Intermonte has increased a 5.80 euros per share (from 4.80 euros) the target price on Civitanavi Systemsa group listed on Euronext Milan and active in the field of…
Seri Industrial, Intermonte cuts target price and confirms Buy
(Finance) – Intermonte he lowered to 7.0 euros per share (from 9.8 euros) the target price on Industrial seriesa company listed on Euronext Milan and operating in the plastic materials…
MON-VE: Intesa lowers target price, Intermonte confirms
(Finance) – Intesa Sanpaolo he cut to 28.5 euros per share (from the previous 32.5 euros) the target price on MO-FRIa company listed on Euronext Milan and active in the…
Tesmec, downgrade of Intermonte to Neutral with target price cut
(Finance) – Intermonte he lowered to 0.13 euros per share (from 0.22 euros) the target price on Tesmeca company listed on Euronext STAR Milan and active in the field of…