Tag: intends
the Russian army intends to “destroy everything in the Donbass”, says Zelensky
On the 91st day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this Wednesday, May 25, follow live the latest information on the conflict which entered its fourth month yesterday. ► Moscow…
Donald Trump: how he intends to increase his grip on the Republican Party
For years, he repeated the same story everywhere: He was first in his class in high school before graduating from college among the best in his class. A plain and…
Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 billion. The richest man in the world intends to revolutionize the social network by releasing it with new functions. But many are worried about potential abuses…
Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 billion. The richest man in the world intends to revolutionize the social network by releasing it with new functions. But many are worried about…
Fortum’s subsidiary Uniper intends to circumvent Russia’s requirements to pay for gas in rubles with a new payment mechanism
The natural gas imported under the new payment mechanism would be paid in euros to Russian Gazprom, whose bank account would be converted into rubles. This is contrary to the…
Just Eat France intends to lay off a third of its employees on permanent contracts
Just Eat Takeaway will lay off 269 delivery workers on permanent contracts, i.e. a third of its employees in France. The Anglo-Dutch meal delivery group announced this earlier this week.…
Georgia intends to apply for EU membership immediately
Georgia has been working closer to the West in recent years, which has made Russia nervous. Georgia’s ruling party in the Caucasus says it intends to apply for EU membership…
the public prosecutor intends to investigate all complaints
The Public Ministry has asked 17 regional prosecutors from all over Spain to submit within ten days all complaints of sexual abuse committed against minors in the clerical space, both…