Tag: insurance
Why and how to change loan insurance?
You may not know it, but you can change loan insurance at any time during your loan. If it is sometimes unknown to borrowers, this practice nevertheless has a number…
Borrower insurance 2022: a great novelty! What changes on June 1
BORROWER INSURANCE 2022. Borrower insurance is revolutionizing this Wednesday, June 1st. Termination at any time, medical questionnaire… We tell you everything. Summary [Mis à jour le 1er juin 2022 à 09h36]…
Borrower insurance 2022: termination at any time… What changes on June 1!
BORROWER INSURANCE 2022. The termination at any time of your borrower insurance comes into force tomorrow, Wednesday June 1st! For who ? How it works ? And the medical questionnaire?…
Migraine: Why health insurance does not reimburse new treatments
News Published 21 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. Available for a year, some new treatments against migraine are not reimbursed by health insurance – while their effectiveness is well established.…
Awakening: The Lions in the Gold Game Electric kickboards also employ insurance companies
We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly. Do Lions Grab Gold in Front of a Home Audience? The Finnish men’s hockey team made history on…
Generali becomes majority shareholder in the Non-Life insurance JV in India
(Finance) – General has completed the acquisition by Future Enterprises Limited del 25% of the shares of Future Generali India Insurance (FGII)thus coming to hold one participation of about 74%…
UFC-Que Choisir denounces the dubious practices of an insurance group
The insurance group Indexia (formerly SFAM) has to answer again for misleading commercial practices in court. The consumers’ association helps the victims to assert their rights. In its letter of…
Car insurance: why choose it using an insurance comparator?
In France, every car has the obligation to be insured. However, many vehicles used for personal or professional purposes remain poorly insured. Their owners are then little protected against possible…
How to better understand and choose the right complementary health insurance?
The French health system relies on Assurance Maladie, a compulsory single-rate scheme. However, Social Security does not reimburse all of the expenses of the insured, who must then subscribe to…
Health insurance: hacking of the data of more than 500,000 policyholders!
In a press release, the Health Insurance confirmed that hackers had recovered the personal data of more than half a million policyholders. The hackers had captured access to 19 professional…