Tag: India
India and Pakistan crushed by an early heat wave
A record heat wave is setting in over India and Pakistan. In the latter country, temperatures are observed well above normal seasonal temperatures ranging between 40 and 45 degrees. A…
open letter asks Modi to respond to attacks on Muslims
In India, more than 100 former senior officials have just written an open letter to the Prime Minister. They ask him to react to put an end to the growing…
Heatwave in India: temperatures approaching 50°C for several days!
After experiencing its hottest March on record, India is once again facing a heat wave that will continue until the end of the week, with extreme temperatures from the northwest…
Modi’s first official visit to Kashmir since 2019 lockdown
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was on Sunday April 24 in the disputed region of Jammu and Kashmir, his first trip to this region since the forced abrogation of the…
In New Delhi, Ursula von der Leyen wants to distance India from Russia and bring it closer to the EU
India now buys Russian oil in rupees and rubles, placing it among the privileged candidates for the export of high-tech Russian arms. The country led by Narendra Modi is hardly…
75 years later, the Indian author Aanchal Malhotra tells the score through objects
At the time of the Paris Book Festival which is currently taking place and where Indian literature is the guest of honor, meeting with Aanchal Malhotra, Indian artist and historian,…
Boris Johnson’s visit to India is enough work – new trade agreement, India’s pro-Russia affairs and immigration
In Britain, Johnson, spared by scandals, was not spared from problems in India either. 22.4. 20: 08 • Updated April 22. 20:08 The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris…
The “Modi” turn of Indian letters: between censorship and sensitivity
Indian literature is in the spotlight at the Paris Book Festival, which opens its doors to the general public this Friday, April 22. Thirty Indian authors will take part in…
export wheat to meet war-related shortages in Ukraine
Russia and Ukraine are among the largest wheat exporters in the world and the war between the two countries has therefore caused this trade to fall. And this is starting…
‘House demolition punishment’ for Muslims in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh
Sheikh Mohammed Rafik is a Muslim soft drink seller living in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. He tells that they came to demolish his house in the early hours…