Tag: increased precipitation
Predict the evolution of rainfall by measuring the salinity of the oceans
By measuring the salinity of the oceans and its evolution in connection with global warming, an Australian university is trying to improve rainfall forecasts in certain regions of the world.…
How does climate change favor the development of epidemics?
The rise in temperatures and the multiplication of extreme weather phenomena have an impact on the development of epidemics, but often in an indirect way. How does climate change promote…
Is Super Typhoon Rai a taste of what lies ahead?
Super-Typhoon Rai ravaged the Philippines between December 14 and 18, with winds exceeding 250 km / h and massive submersion of the coast. Warming Pacific waters and rising sea levels…
Is Typhoon Rai in the Philippines a foretaste of the future?
Super-Typhoon Rai ravaged the Philippines between December 14 and 18, with winds exceeding 250 km / h and massive submersion of the coast. Warming Pacific waters and rising sea levels…