Tag: Ilva
From the former Ilva, yes from the Chamber to trust: the final vote tomorrow
(Finance) – The House of Representatives approved the matter of trust placed by the Government in the decree on plants of national strategic interest, the so-called ex-Ilva decree. Out of…
Ex Ilva, MEF ok for 680 million euros to Invitalia
(Finance) – The Ministry of Economy and Finance has prepared the disbursement of the financial endowment equal to 680 million euros for Invitalia so that he can transfer the sum…
Ex Ilva, Bernabè (Acciaierie d’Italia): arriving at the meeting with a solution to financial problems
(Ticker) – “The shareholders are in contact with each other and will have to arrive at the meeting with a solution to the financial problems of Acciaierie d’Italia”. The president…
Ex Ilva, Urso: I expect concrete answers from the company. Thursday the meeting with the unions
(Finance) – The Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo bearconvened i labor unions category for Thursday 17 November, at 12, to discuss the dispute of the former Ilva…
Ex Ilva, Unions write to MiSE
(Finance) – Fim, Fiom and Uilm have sent a letter to Invitalia and the Ministry of Economic Development to ask for a meeting on direct financing that the Government has…
Ex Ilva, the unions announce a 24-hour strike on 6 May
(Finance) – The unitary works council of the factory’s Rsu delegates from Fim, Fiom, Uilm and Usb Steelworks of Italy from Taranto has announced one for next May 6 strike…
Ex Ilva, the dossier is complicated: there is no agreement on the CIG
(Finance) – No agreement on the Cig and ex-Ilv dossierto increasingly complicated with i Unions on a war footing. “During the negotiation as a union we did everything possible to…