Tag: Ilva
Ex Ilva, Bernabè (Acciaierie d’Italia): arriving at the meeting with a solution to financial problems
(Ticker) – “The shareholders are in contact with each other and will have to arrive at the meeting with a solution to the financial problems of Acciaierie d’Italia”. The president…
Ex Ilva, Urso: I expect concrete answers from the company. Thursday the meeting with the unions
(Finance) – The Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo bearconvened i labor unions category for Thursday 17 November, at 12, to discuss the dispute of the former Ilva…
Ex Ilva, Unions write to MiSE
(Finance) – Fim, Fiom and Uilm have sent a letter to Invitalia and the Ministry of Economic Development to ask for a meeting on direct financing that the Government has…
Ex Ilva, the unions announce a 24-hour strike on 6 May
(Finance) – The unitary works council of the factory’s Rsu delegates from Fim, Fiom, Uilm and Usb Steelworks of Italy from Taranto has announced one for next May 6 strike…
Ex Ilva, the dossier is complicated: there is no agreement on the CIG
(Finance) – No agreement on the Cig and ex-Ilv dossierto increasingly complicated with i Unions on a war footing. “During the negotiation as a union we did everything possible to…