Tag: identity
The M member on the SD’s actions regarding the gender identity law: “Disgusting”
The disputed gender identity law has exposed a rift between M and SD. The Moderates’ Johan Hultberg goes so far as to describe the SD members’ actions in the matter…
The Riksdag voted through the controversial gender identity law
The vote ended with 234 members voting yes and 94 no, while 21 were absent. Among other things, the law is about making it easier for people to be able…
Norwegian professor warns Sweden – about gender identity law
The “Law on change of legal gender” was introduced in Norway in 2016 and gives anyone who has turned 16 the right to determine their legal gender. But already from…
France Identity now allows you to make proxies 100% electronically, without having to travel. Just in time for the European elections! Here is the procedure to follow to make one.
France Identity now allows you to make proxies 100% electronically, without having to travel. Just in time for the European elections! Here is the procedure to follow to make one.…
Jacob Grandison found his identity in Salo: “I don’t celebrate success – it shows that I’m Finnish” | Sport
Sunny spring days have changed to snow showers in Salo. Back winter has surprised Salon Vilppa of Jacob Grandisonwho walks into the cafe in his windbreaker, shivering. He laughs that…
New discussions in M about gender identity law
Crisis meetings and sources testifying to internal division. The bill, which, among other things, establishes when a person with the guardian’s permission should be able to change their legal gender,…
his identity papers found on the recovered body
The Niort public prosecutor’s office announces that it has found identity papers belonging to the young man on the body recovered on Thursday April 4, near the nightclub where the…
Lo, 16, about the new gender identity law
Lo Lill, 16, is one of many young Swedes who are happy that Sweden may soon have a new gender identity law. – That means everything. Going and waiting for…
Scammers are currently usurping the identity of the DGCCRF to defraud their victims by informing them of false fraudulent transactions. This is obviously a way to extract money from them.
Scammers are currently usurping the identity of the DGCCRF to defraud their victims by informing them of false fraudulent transactions. This is obviously a way to extract money from them.…