Tag: humans
Global warming could make humans smaller
News Posted 2 days ago, Reading 1 min. Just as some animals have done before, humans could shrink to adapt to rising temperatures caused by climate change. Mammals that live…
Monkey pox: has the monkeypox virus been transmitted between humans for several years?
The first results genetic analysis of the monkeypox strain collected in Portugal revealed that the strain that infected 780 people outside of Africa was, at the time of writing, phylogenetically…
Avian flu: symptoms, what risks for humans?
AVIAN INFLUENZA 2022. The health situation linked to the avian influenza epizootic in France is improving. What is avian “flu” or rather “avian plague”? What are the risks for humans?…
Lightning: effects on humans, risks at home?
In the event of a storm, lightning is a real danger. Each year in France, it affects between 200 and 300 people, causing nearly 30 deaths. What to do to…
Study assesses when humans will explore Jupiter and Saturn
An article, published on the site Arxiv, explains that the next step for NASA would be to devote itself to sending manned missions to Saturn after the arrival of colonists…
Groundbreaking development in cancer treatment: First tried in humans
There has been a promising development in cancer treatment. According to the news in News 7; The virus, which killed cancerous cells for the first time in the world, was…
Mosquitoes are also attracted to humans by color!
Every summer, there are those who are devoured by mosquitoes and those who survive. For scientists, there are three main reasons for this apparent injustice. ” I used to say…
Avian flu: improvement in France, what risks for humans?
AVIAN INFLUENZA 2022. The situation linked to the avian influenza epizootic that France is experiencing is improving “significantly”, announces the Ministry of Agriculture. What is avian “flu” or rather “avian…
Avian flu: crisis in France, risks for humans?
The virus of the “flu” or rather “avian plague” is spreading in farms in France. 16 million poultry were slaughtered, a record number. What to know about this disease? What…
It’s only a matter of time before the antibiotic-resistant superbacterium reaches humans
The new discovery raises concerns that heavy use of antibiotics on farms will lead to the spread of resistant microbes. The study, led by Soren Persson from the Statens Serum…