Tag: households
“Alleviates the household’s burden”
“This eases the burden on the households that have it the hardest,” she tells TT. The government invests SEK 11 billion in a new employment tax deduction in the autumn…
Taxes: “Even indirectly, the pressure on households will increase”
The government has made it a sacred cow, harped on by its ministers in recent months. In times of inflation, there is no question of touching the tax burden which…
RdC: INPS: “Extended for unemployable households until the end of the year”
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – The INPS tries to throw water on the fire and put an end to the controversy, bounced from last weekend for the case of SMS with…
Housing prices are predicted to increase by households according to SEB
More and more households predict a future with higher house prices, SEB’s latest house price indicator shows. The proportion expecting a price rise is 39 percent, an increase of 1…
“For many households, the pain limit has been passed”
Laura Hartman believes that the limit for the interest rate level has been passed. — The situation is becoming increasingly absurd. Another interest rate hike will make no difference to…
Households increasingly cautious to borrow
Households increasingly cautious to borrow The Swedes borrow at a lower rate. Archive image. – Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT The growth rate for household loans continues to slow down, new figures…
Strong increase in households that do not have to amortize
According to a calculation from SBAB, a typical family with two children, a car and a mortgage of three million kroner has seen its costs rise by over kroner 100,000…
Despite the electricity subsidy – households’ electricity debts are increasing
Despite lower prices and, in addition, electricity support for households, there is no noticeable relief in terms of the number of electricity debts. For the first four months of the…
Several households in Bunschoten without water for hours after a pipe burst
Bunschoten – Part of Bunschoten is without water this morning due to a broken pipe. It concerns households on the Cornelis Houtmanstraat, at the intersection with the Blauwe Reiger, and…
Power failure at 1200 households after fire in transformer house Amersfoort
According to a Stedin spokesperson, some 1240 customers were initially affected. “Part of it is in Amersfoort in zip code area 3825 and 3826. And also zip code area 3828…