Tag: hornbills
A boost for Ouwehands Zoo: hornbills are allowed to stay for a while
The two red hornbills came to Rhenen about 15 years ago through the owner of the zoo, Marcel Boekhoorn. The birds, which only occur in the wild in the Philippines,…
Rufous hornbills: minister may confiscate exotic animals at Ouwehands Zoo
Ouwehands Zoo previously indicated that it absolutely disagreed with this. The animals were donated in 2009, when they had a closed leg ring. Such a ring is mandatory for endangered…
Lawsuit over red hornbills, Ouwehands Zoo and ministry are diametrically opposed to each other
Frustration oozes through during the lawsuit from zoo director Robin de Lange. “I do not understand the link between one missing document and confiscation. Confiscation causes so much stress to…