Tag: heating
The H&M heating buys popular company-after the bankruptcy
The Swedish fashion company Eyts was known for its Chunky Sneakers. In mid -January, they went bankrupt. The reason for the bankruptcy was that the company did not have a…
Iren confirms bonus district heating | Finance.it
(Finance) – Also activated for the thermal season 2024/2025 iThe district heating bonus Iren , The discount on the bill, totally paid by the Iren group, which increasingly represents an…
Sheets dry in 4 hours with this simple tip – without a dryer or heating
Your sheets will dry in record time with this method. In winter, it is always more difficult to dry your sheets, especially if you are not equipped with a dryer.…
Utrecht wants to set up a public heating company: ‘End of Eneco’s sole rule’
“Today is a beautiful day,” Joachim Cornielje of the PvdA started the debate in the committee meeting about a public heating company. “We are putting an end to Eneco’s dominance,”…
‘New-build homes in Utrecht will become more expensive due to the discontinuation of the Eneco heating network’
The fact that Eneco is no longer installing new heating networks is not a major problem, according to the municipality of Utrecht. It would even be beneficial. “The result is…
The “Great Wall of China” gets district heating back
share-arrowShare unsaveSave expand-left full screen Now the district heating will once again begin to be delivered to the property unofficially known as the “Great Wall of China” in Malmö. Photo:…
Few people use this object, yet it allows you to be warmer in winter and lower your heating bill.
This object is largely underestimated in winter. It can make you more comfortable, but also save you money. From November onwards, it’s always the same thing, the electricity or gas…
A pizza heating apparatus was prepared for PlayStation 5
Pizza Hut Canada has prepared a pizza heating apparatus for the PlayStation 5 game console. This apparatus is from 3D printers can be printed. 3D print file for free from…
Staying warm this fall without turning on the heating is possible – here are 5 simple tips
Here are the best tips to avoid turning on the heating this fall and save money. The temperatures are really starting to drop, and the urge to turn on the…
Heating, ENEA: 10 tips on the correct use of systems
(Finance) – Boilers and radiators will start up again starting next week with the switching on of the systems in band E which includes many large cities in Northern Italy,…