Tag: heat
New heat records in Europe – Sweden news
Last year was a year of temperature extremes in our part of the world. Now new records have been broken in Moldova, Ukraine and Romania. – It looks like January…
New heat record for the world’s oceans | SVT News
Measured temperatures in the world’s oceans have never been higher than last year, researchers from several countries state in a new scientific report. This broke the previous record from 2021.…
Invasive mosquitoes are intimidating! Their numbers are increasing… New species can cause diseases
Factors such as environmental pollution and the depletion of the ozone layer cause seasonal changes. The fact that this winter in Turkey was dry and hot, caused concerns in the…
New heat records and increased emissions last year
Published: Less than 10 min ago previous full screen Next Average global temperature in 2022 compared to the standard reference period 1991–2020. 1 of 2 Photo: Johan Hallnäs/TT A record…
New data from Copernicus: 2022 was a year of heat records
2022 was another year of climate extremes and broken temperature records. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increased and our continent, Europe, experienced by a clear margin its hottest summer ever.…
The extreme heat in Europe is part of a larger pattern
Published: Less than 30 min ago previous full screen Next The lift system is closed in La Féclaz near Chmabéry in the French Alps. The picture is from January 5.…
Upside-down weather: Summer heat in the middle of winter
The new year is only a few days old, but already the weather and temperature records are starting to roll in. In many parts of Europe the thermometer reaches summer…
The ski resorts of the highest places are no longer open in the Alps – the heat wave melted skiing opportunities in Central Europe
In many European countries, heat records were measured in the middle of winter at the turn of the year. Even in the mountain regions, the heat melted the snow. –…
Due to the heat, the hazel is already in bloom: ‘If it continues like this, it will become a kind of climate refugee’
If it does get cold again, we will see fewer hazelnuts this year, says Hoogenstein. Is this bad? “It can always happen that you have a different summer or winter.…
In the UK, heat banks are multiplying against the energy crisis
Due to exploding costs, 60% of Britons have to restrict their heating, and one in five cannot even turn it on. So, “heat banks” are springing up across the country:…