Tag: heart attack
Energy drinks threaten the heart: risks waiting for young people and adults surprised: “This is like inviting death”
Today, energy drinks are widely consumed in order to combat fatigue and to achieve more energy. However, the negative effects of these beverages on heart health are gradually attracting attention.…
You can have a heart attack everywhere … It caused traffic accidents: two loss of life! Warning from experts
Kyrenia and Kokkaya in two separate traffic accidents that occurred in the death of people who lost their lives, was announced to be connected to heart disorders. According to the…
People who survive this rare disease are numbered: “In Türkiye, there are 8-9 patients who have done this procedure and live” but “
Eskişehir City Hospital‘What heart attack 68 -year -old Serdar Şenat’a Cardiology Specialist Dr. Bektaş Murat and Heart Team, evaluating the patient’s condition launched a successful treatment process. Ibrahim Serdar Senat…
‘Number is increasing day by day’ but beware! ‘Cold weather’ warning to heart patients from expert name!
Prof. Dr. Kutlu, heart diseases in the world and in Turkey is one of the most important causes of death, he said. According to World Health Organization data, approximately 18…
High Ratio Alarms in Cases! Expert name warned: This is the biggest enemy of the heart!
Cardiovascular diseases in Turkey, while being among the main causes of deaths, while continuing, heart attack High odds in their cases give an alarm. According to the data of the…
Experts warn: This symptom is a harbinger of the heart attack!
Pekdemir, one of the most common types of heart diseases coronary artery disease, heart vessels due to fat and calcium deposition due to contraction and calcification, he said. Pekdemir is…
Are Covid-19 vaccines vaccinations cause of increasing heart attack cases? The answer that attracts attention from the expert name
Cardiology Specialist Utku Şenol, allegedly increasing recently heart attack He gave important information about his cases. Today, health services are in a successful and accessible situation compared to the past.…
There is no difference from poison! It increases the risk of heart attack at an early age! ‘No one should use’ warning
Experts warn against energy drinks, which have increased popularity among young people in recent years. Exp. Cardiology Department. Dr. Mahdi Onaç spoke of the negative effects of energy drinks. Exp.…
27 -year autopsy reports have been reviewed: This substance in the human brain is increasing rapidly! Paralysis and the risk of heart attack …
A new made researchIn autopsies between 1997 and 2024 brainIncreased amounts of micro and nanoplastic in the liver and kidney tissues. Although the effects of microplastics on human health are…
20 years of work has revealed: The symptom seen on the face points to the secret heart problem! The risk of death is 10 times more
He said that the lines in the Kaş region were not a better cardiovascular risk assessment method than existing methods such as blood pressure and lipid profiles, but they could…