Biggest Cryptocurrency Hack in History
The announcement came as a shock: Axie Infinity, the most popular game play to earn (“we play to win”) was the subject of a hack that will go down in…
First arrests for Lapsus$ hacker group hacking giants
Hacking giant technology companies and thus not falling off the agenda Lapsus$ First arrests for hacker group done. Lapsus$ it’s making a lot of noise these days. behind this hacker…
Okta: the mystery of its hacking is cleared up, but hundreds of companies are still threatened
Little by little, the fog is dissipating on the hacks of Microsoft and Okta by the hackers of Lapsus$. The Redmond publisher confirms that a user account was indeed compromised,…
Account hacking, attempted extortion, ransomware, fraud and scams on the Internet: THESEE, the new service set up by the Ministry of the Interior, allows victims to file a complaint directly online.
Account hacking, attempted extortion, ransomware, fraud and scams on the Internet: THESEE, the new service set up by the Ministry of the Interior, allows victims to file a complaint directly…
Health insurance: hacking of the data of more than 500,000 policyholders!
In a press release, the Health Insurance confirmed that hackers had recovered the personal data of more than half a million policyholders. The hackers had captured access to 19 professional…
Ethical Hacker Reveals Coinbase Vulnerability and Prevents Loss of Millions
The Coinbase trading platform caused a stir following an announcement during the Superbowl, followed by a spike in connections, and narrowly averted disaster. Because an ethical hacker has revealed an…
Hacking the Ministry of Justice: “the official doctrine is not to pay ransoms”
A group of hackers called Lockbit 2.0 claims to have hacked into the French Ministry of Justice and is threatening to publish the thousands of documents it has managed to…
Cryptocurrency: what are the risks associated with staking?
There is no such thing as a miracle investment and the staking, that is to say the immobilization of cryptocurrencies over a long period, despite its qualities, is not without…
Michel Houellebecq, the star of French letters, again victim of hacking
The literary community only talks about that. The new book by the sulphurous Michel Houellebecq, one of the most widely read French authors in the world, has been hacked! Annihilate…
TWITCH HACKING. An activist hacker released confidential data from the Twitch streaming platform. The source code of applications, secret projects and financial information are circulating on the Net.
TWITCH HACKING. An activist hacker released confidential data from the Twitch streaming platform. The source code of applications, secret projects and financial information are circulating on the Net. Summary [Mis…