Tag: Greenland
Global warming: these Greenland polar bears have a chance of surviving it
This map shows the distribution of the 19 current polar bear subpopulations, with colored dots indicating the location of other samples used in the analysis. The new population in southeast…
Polar bears may still survive – population of southern Greenland adapted to hunting from ice floes
Polar bears usually need solid sea ice for their hunting, which is declining rapidly. A previously unknown community has now been found in Greenland hunting for glacial rafts. Scientists have…
Greenland, inspiring theater of Borgen’s return
The offer had singularly refreshed relations between the White House and Copenhagen. In the summer of 2019, US President Donald Trump proposed that the United States buy Greenland, an autonomous…
The icy moon Europe has similar characteristics to Greenland
Among the four largest satellites of JupiterEurope is most likely to harbor extraterrestrial life. With its gigantic ocean of salt water covered in ice which would contain two to three…
Global warming: how many meters will the ocean rise after Greenland completely melts?
Due to global warming, Greenland ice could contribute to a sea level rise of several meters over the next few centuries. However, efforts to mitigate global warming could greatly reduce…
Global warming: how many meters will the ocean rise with a total melting of Greenland
Due to global warming, Greenland ice could contribute to a sea level rise of several meters over the next few centuries. However, efforts to mitigate global warming could greatly reduce…
Greenland is becoming the largest dam in the world!
You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Greenland’s glaciers are melting at high speed The Helheim glacier – here in full calving, understand, in full production of icebergs – is…
Arctic: the Greenland ice cap has lost 4,700 billion tonnes of ice in 20 years
The Earth is heating up. The ice melts. And on the Arctic side, at an extremely rapid pace. In the last 20 years, the most recent data published by scientists…
Top 20 of the most beautiful ice landscapes
On Earthice can be found on all continents, whether in the form of glaciersicebergs, ice floes orice sheet. His astonishing relationship to light explains, among other things, its incredible variations…
A powerful solar storm hit Earth 9,000 years ago when the Sun was quiet
The biggest solar flares appear during the most intense periods of activity of our Star. It’s known. But researchers now show that about 9,200 years ago, a major storm erupted…