Tag: Giorgetti
Crypt asset, Giorgetti: they are among the most insidious and pervasive threats
(Finance) – The Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgettisaid that “today one of the most insidious and pervasive threats comes from the market of crypto asset which is rapidly expanding thanks…
Giorgetti claims prudence line: save 2024 to finance other measures
(Finance) – “I remember and claim that the government has prudently decided not to spend resources deriving from the improvement of objectives to finance further measures. In line with the…
Giorgetti: fair and faithful fulfillment of fiscal duties is fundamental
(Finance) – “Among the duties expressly provided for by our Constitution there is a very important one that I want to recall: contributing to public expenses, each according to their…
IMF, Giorgetti meets director Georgieva. MEF: praise on fiscal consolidation
(Finance) – The Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgettimet the director of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgievain Washington. The Ministry through its account on In the morning Giorgetti also met…
Maneuver, Giorgetti reiterates: serious and responsible, spread data comforts us
(Finance) – The resources to cover the maneuver “they come from our work. The data for 2024 are considered positive by all observers. The data on the spread comforts us.…
Maneuver, Giorgetti prepares the spending review: cuts of up to 4.6 billion between ministries and local authorities
(Finance) – The Minister of Economy and Finance, Giancarlo Giorgettideclared that “individuals and businesses have nothing to fear. It will be a balanced maneuver”. Sacrifices will instead be requested from…
PSB updated, Giorgetti illustrates it in CdM: “serious and prudent line”
(Finance) – Starting from an estimate of 3.8% of GDP for the current year (lower than the 4.3% estimated last April), the Government aims to bring the ratio deficit/GDP at…
Maneuver, Giorgetti: birth rate and wages remain priorities
(Finance) – The Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetticonfirmed that one of the government’s priorities remains support for birth rate And wages. “Scenario zero, i.e. doing nothing, would mean heading straight…
Public accounts, Giorgetti: government’s goal is to balance the budget, we will achieve it this year
(Finance) – The Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Georgettesaid that the government’s goal is the balanced budget. “Obviously by separating the interest portion of the debt. And I think we will…
Giorgetti, Differentiated autonomy: no impact on public accounts
(Finance) – The Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgettispoke in the Senate Chamber to respond to theinterpellation on the economic impact of the reform of differentiated autonomyensuring that there will be…