Tag: genetically
The look-alikes resemble each other physically but also genetically!
News Published on 08/26/2022 at 4:17 p.m. Updated 08/26/2022 at 4:17 p.m. Reading 2 mins. Do you look just like someone else? You may well share part of your DNA…
Look-alikes are also genetically alike!
You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Humanity shares 70% of its facial expressions The approximately seven billion humans inhabiting the Earth would have another point in common. Finally, 16…
What about genetically modified (AGM) foods?
News Published on 06/26/2022 at 1:52 p.m. Updated 06/26/2022 at 1:52 p.m. Reading 3 mins. After genetically modified organisms (GMOs), here are genetically modified foods (AGMs)! They were developed by…
Genetically modified mosquitoes: a new experiment in Florida
After much controversy, a study on the release into the wild of mosquitoes Aedes aegypti genetically modified has just been carried out in the archipelago of the Keys, in Florida.…
These cousins are genetically brothers!
Their respective mothers are twins, the same for their fathers. Result: these cousins have a DNA similar to two brothers. Explanations. Monozygotic twinsBrittany and Briana both have married twin brothers…
Organ donation: a genetically modified pig kidney successfully transplanted into humans!
News Published 9 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. After the transplant of a pig’s heart in humans a few weeks ago, here is the kidney transplant! Indeed, a few months…