Tag: GDP
Economic Bulletin, Bank of Italy: GDP 2022 at + 3.3%, in 2023 slows at + 0.3%
(Finance) – In Italy, GDP would have marginally decreased in the summer quarter. In addition to the slight decline in industrial production, there are signs of a weakening in construction;…
Europe, Fitch: terms of trade shock limits nominal GDP
(Finance) – One of the main effects of war in Ukraine on the European economy is the big one loss in terms of terms of trade for most countries, according…
Eurozone, GDP and employment growing in the second quarter
(Finance) – The eurozone economy grew slightly less than expected in the second quarter of the year. This was announced by the European Statistical Office, EUROSTAT, by publishing the second…
United Kingdom: GDP slowing (-0.1%) and production down but better than expected
(Finance) – Signs of a slowdown came from the British economy in the second quarter of the yearwhich is paying in full for the effects of the crisis triggered by…
War in Ukraine: Russian strike kills three in Kramatorsk, Russia’s GDP plummets
The bombardments continue. On Friday August 12, Russian strikes on the Ukrainian towns of Kramatorsk, in the east of the country, and Zaporijjia, in the south, left at least three…
Russia, Central Bank: GDP falls in 2022 and 2023. Inflation up to + 15%
(Finance) – The Russian Central Bank estimates that the Russian economy will contract in 2022 (at a level between -6% and -4%) and for most of 2023 (bringing the annual…
Russia’s GDP down less than expected
Russia’s GDP down less than expected Published: 2 hours ago People queue for the clearance sale at an H&M store in St. Petersburg in early August. Photo: TT Russia’s economy…
Istat: GDP accelerates but possible decline in activity in sight
(Finance) – “Signs of deceleration in economic activity and high and widespread inflation continue to distinguish the international scenario” with “European prospects appear to be progressively worsening”. Istat notes this…
Eurozone, GDP and accelerating inflation
(Finance) – Estimated to increase more than expected on Euroland GDP of Q2 2022. According to Eurostat’s preliminary estimate, the Eurozone’s GDP is increased by 0.7%compared to + 0.6% in…