Tag: garden
What is sowing under a warm layer?
From January, the gardener begins his first sowing despite the winter cold. To anticipate plantings and harvests, there is the technique of sowing under a warm layer in order to…
Canna: what is it?
With its decorative purple, green or variegated foliage, very close to the banana tree and its very colorful trumpet-shaped flowers, the canna illuminates gardens from July to October. The colors…
Which berries are used to feed birds in winter?
With the cold and the snow cover covering the ground, birds are running out of food in the dead of winter. Plant plants that produce decorative and nourishing berries for…
How to make a natural Christmas wreath?
The traditional Advent wreath will adorn home doors or decorate holiday tables to contribute to the magic of Christmas. Why not make your own wreath with natural elements salvaged from…
The dahlia, a fashionable flower
Michel Caron presents lovers of beautiful gardens the dahlia, a very particular plant that the Aztecs called chichipatli Where acocopatli and of which they consumed daily tubers. During the time…
When and how to plant the gray shallot?
Shallots are, along with onions, the most widely grown condiment in vegetable gardens. Enjoy the intense, more marked flavor of the small-sized gray shallot, unlike the softer and larger pink…
How does synthetic turf react to weather conditions?
A lawn that is always impeccable, a considerable saving of time (no mowing required!) But also water savings… The artificial lawn has many advantages. But if there is one question…
Conifers, plants dating from the Carboniferous period
Appeared on Earth 350 million years ago, at the time of carboniferous, the conifers arrived long before the trees hardwood. Their decline, however, was to begin during thesecondary era, 150…
Glass mat: what is it?
The glass mat is a composite material serving as reinforcement fibrous. It is made of glass filaments non-woven, discontinuously arranged. The glass fibers are the same length and form a…
Winter: offer room and board to the gardener’s auxiliaries
Before the cold, frost and frost invade the garden, plan shelters so that the small auxiliaries, allies of the gardener, find the necessary food and lodgings to pass the winter…