Tag: garden
8 tips to help houseplants through the winter
In winter, with the heating that dries up the atmosphere of our interiors and the drop in light, we must take care of our indoor plants. Pamper your flowering plants,…
How to flower the garden in winter?
In winter, the garden goes to sleep with the days getting shorter and the light falling. You can choose rustic plants that will brighten up the garden, the terrace or…
How to maintain your garden in autumn?
When fall arrives, the days get shorter and the temperatures cooler. It’s time to prepare your garden for winter. It is also time to think about next spring. You will…
An app for all gardeners to help them grow crops successfully
Whether you are beginner, amateur or experienced gardeners, the composition of a garden always requires a lot of thought and advice to create and maintain its haven of greenery. Limit…
How to maintain a lemon tree in winter?
Easy to grow, the lemon tree is a highly prized citrus fruit. Decorative, it produces tangy fruits, lemons. Chilly, he cannot stand the winters and the cold. How to protect…
True / False: Do plants and pottery fear freezing?
On your balcony or patio, enemies will always risk attacking your plants if you are not careful, such as cold and frost in winter. Fortunately, solutions exist to avoid such…
Indoor plants, a green anti-pollution weapon?
What can you do to improve the air quality in your home? First answer: ventilate! In addition, some plants can absorb pollutants from the air. But what about in real…
An economical and sustainable solution to take advantage of a well in the garden
At the price of the cubic meter, using drinking water to water the garden, clean a terrace or wash a vehicle is nonsense … To save a good as precious…
How to recycle dead leaves?
With autumn slowly settling in, the dead leaves of the trees are falling in numbers. Use this material to recycle it for the benefit of the whole garden. Do not…