Tag: fruit
You eat its fruit every day, the biggest miracle is hidden in its leaves! Cuts sickness like a knife
In ancient written sources, the olive tree is referred to as the ‘first tree’… Its miracles are innumerable… The olive, which is a miracle in itself, from its fruit to…
Acai bowl with raspberries and pumpkin seeds
The acai berry should be placed in the category of superfoods recommended especially in case of fatigue. The Brazilians, moreover, pick it from a tree which they baptized “tree of…
Why do ripe fruits accelerate the ripening of other fruits?
It only takes one ripe fruit for the others around to accelerate their ripening. But why ? And does this apply to all fruits? It is not a legend, the…
Japanese scientists announced the fruit that is good for Covid-19! It reduces the risk of infection
An experimental study by Japanese scientists revealed that the tannin substance obtained from persimmon reduces the likelihood of contracting Covid-19 or developing severe symptoms. A research group from the Nara…
Maxi whipped cream, a recipe that does not lack air by Raphaël Haumont
Choux pastry Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. In a saucepan, melt the butter with the water. When the butter is melted, and out of the fire, pour in…
How to prepare Raphaël Haumont’s Rubik’s fruits?
Prepare six bowls Bowl 1: coconut milk + 1 or 2 tablespoons of sugar if necessary. Bowl 2: juice Strawberry + 2 or 3 fresh strawberries cut into small pieces.…
Cédrat: what is it?
Too often confused with lemon, citron remains rarer. This yellow citrus has an irregular shape and larger proportions than a lemon. It is cultivated for its very fragrant bark which…
Food for children: just one fruit or vegetable per day would be enough!
Children have different dietary needs than adults, and these vary as they grow. The sacrosanct benchmark of five fruits and vegetables a day would not necessarily be essential in children,…
Grapefruit: what is it?
With their cousins theorange and the lemon, grapefruits are among the many citrus fruits appreciated for their juicy, sweet and tangy pulp. Its fragrant bloom gives way to beautiful fruits…
When is the best time of day to eat fruit?
Fruits have an excellent nutritional reputation. But, is there a perfect time to enjoy it without putting your figure at risk? Response with Laurent Chevallier, nutritionist. Rich in vitamins, minerals,…