Tag: French politics
the announcement of Macron’s candidacy disrupted by the crisis in Ukraine
At the initiative of Macron, who spent his Sunday on the phone, a meeting will therefore take place between Putin and Biden to try to avoid escalation in Ukraine. A…
Fabien Roussel, a “phantom parliamentary assistant”, according to Mediapart
A few days ago the press was talking about the “Roussel moment” in the countryside. The communist candidate Fabien Roussel, carried by his outspokenness, some controversies orchestrated on social networks…
French presidential election 2022: candidates from the diaspora
Their names are Jeanne Muvira, a trained pharmacist of Burundian origin, Gildas Vieira, a doctor of public health born in Congo and Stéphane Tauthui, a business manager of Ivorian origin.…
on the Côte d’Azur, between Pécresse and Zemmour, the hearts of right-wing voters swing
In voting intentions, the battle is raging to qualify for the second round of the presidential election in France alongside Emmanuel Macron. The two far-right candidates, Marine Le Pen and…
in Brittany Anne Hidalgo sows her “little seeds”
Still in distress in the voting intentions, Anne Hidalgo continues her campaign against all odds. The socialist candidate multiplies the trips with the certainty that the field work will eventually…
The NGO SOS Chrétiens d’Orient suspected of complicity in crimes against humanity in Syria
The French investigative site Mediapart reveals that the NGO SOS Chrétiens d’Orient is suspected of complicity in war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria. The Central Office for the…
Presidential in France: has Emmanuel Macron already won?
Emmanuel Macron is expected to announce his candidacy for the French presidential election in the coming days. While the head of state is still not officially in the race, a…
The State will participate in the recapitalization of EDF: “We must put an end to its alternative suppliers”
The Electricity of France group (EDF) bailed out by the State. The year 2022 promises to be difficult with problems in nuclear production and government measures to limit the rise…
Pass of arms between the candidate Anne Hidalgo and Ségolène Royal
The mayor of Paris finds it difficult to understand why Ségolène Royal does not support her candidacy and considers Jean-Luc Mélenchon as “ the strongest “. After Ségolène Royal’s attacks,…
Nicolas Bay takes the plunge and joins Éric Zemmour
After being suspended from his post as spokesperson for Marine Le Pen’s campaign for disloyalty, National Rally MEP Nicolas Bay finally took the plunge on Wednesday evening February 16. He…